It's All About The Reframe, Baby

I’m going through a transition in life. Aren’t we all? 

It’s quite the journey. Suuuuuuuper uncomfortable at times. Fun as shit on other occasions. 

This time around, I’m learning how to embrace my authenticity and what that actually means to me. 

Where I’m at: Authenticity is our Innate Divine Essence. It’s the life force energy. It’s the magnet. It’s the guide. It’s the boundary. It’s the sovereignty. It’s the security. It’s the vulnerability. Self-love & an empowered mindset is the key to it flowing freely and positively. 

In theory it’s simple: tune in, get out of the way, and enjoy the ride with zero resistance. 

Not always easy. Old stuff comes up. Holding patterns rooted in a false sense of security get louder and grip tighter. A lot of the critical voice’s “You’re not enough” mumbo jumbo. Fear tries to steal the show. 

When that stuff is present it’s an opportunity to say, ‘No, thank you!” and choose a supportive intention for the mind to focus on instead - a new mantra if you will. 

When we are rooted in our heart-center, our thoughts are naturally more loving. If you’re like me, the mind can get in the fucking way and require some adjusting. 

The constant catch and reframe is what’s up. It’s a commitment. It’s an active choice. It’s also the energy that creates positive ripple effects for us collectively. We all grow together. And that’s the point!

What’s been working for me lately is this - when I feel wobbly, I take a sec to reconnect to my breath. I let myself see the cold, hard truth of whatever I need to see, feel it fully, and then use a mantra to pull me back into my body by breathing it into my heart space and belly.

These are some mantras I’m loving right now:

If I want it to shift, I can cause it to shift

I choose to see the lesson, blessing and gift in every moment, no matter what

What story am I telling myself? Is it rooted in fear or love?

It’s ok to believe before I see

It’s safe to choose love

Is it a condition, expectation or neediness? If so, could you let it go?

It’s safe to trust the natural flow of life 

I’m safe. I’m good. 

I choose a nourishing inner dialogue

I meet my critical voice with unconditional love and compassion 

I’m listening 

What’s the intuitive message you’re receiving right now? Could you let yourself trust it? 

Follow the joy

Is there a little more peaceful version of this thought you could let yourself think?  

It’s safe to stay open, in the unknown and totally non-reactive

I surrender it to the powers that be and am cool with any next direction because I trust it’s Divinely guided


Drop the judgement

Sit back and enjoy the ride. There’s no rush. I’m grateful and happy to be right here

It’s safe to feel whatever comes up and be with it

Stay open. Be gentle


Thank you
