Here We Go

I started writing a book two years ago called Let Go or Be Dragged. It’s meant to be a toolkit to breakthrough internal barriers and transform your life. Written with a strong point of view and spirited sense of humor (if I do say so myself) it’s an honest and vulnerable story of growth. It’s a roadmap with clear takeaways, people, practitioners and resources to help individuals heal old programming, trauma responses and pain so we can all live more peaceful, happier and healthier lives together from the inside out.

I believe we can all get along.

Dar Williams sang “The Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table. Finding faith and common ground the best that they were able. Just before the meal was served hands were held and prayers were said, sending hope for peace on earth to ALL their gods and goddesses.” That’s my vision. We actually do have the power to create a more frictionless world for ourselves and it starts with dismantling (and rewiring) almost everything we were taught and thought was true which actually stems from fear and pain.

That’s the road to world peace. Fine, I realize we’re a few steps away still so let’s focus our energy in the right direction and do the real work to strengthen the foundation. Every single individual that commits to the journey of the heart empowers this possibility. Individual healing is crucial to collective alignment. Empathy, compassion, forgiveness, non-judgement. Communication from this place. Deep listening. Holding space. Faith. This level of self-awareness and radical acceptance causes us to show up for others from a place that inspires their growth - no matter who they are or what they’ve done - without projection, blame, judgement, shame, or separation. That’s God’s love. That is the power of God’s power. It’s infinite. It’s limitless. It’s available to everyone and our work on this planet is to reconnect with that truth. No matter what we were taught growing up - I believe God is love. It’s a universal energy. It’s all-encompassing, not divisive. It transcends labels. Healing is in service to the greater good. Individual growth ignites collective transformation so we all move closer together, in love.

SO ANYWAY - I’ve written like 30 pages and I can’t seem to get back to it in a productive way. Probably because I need everything to be “FUN” and now that I declared I NEED TO WRITE A BOOK I flooded myself with an overwhelming and unnecessary amount of pressure. So I’m breaking it down into smaller steps. Nuggets and vignettes. Baby prose. Random musings. Weekly lessons. Excerpts from the book. And it’s all going here. In my own blog - not for Poosh, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Thrive Notebook or any other brand that I deeply admire and respect and love supporting - but for myself on my own platform. And without the things being perfect. Raw sharing. EEK -scary.

Even if nobody reads a word of this or gives an iota of a shit, here we are :) I’m putting it out there because I need a place to channel the creative flow when she speaks to me! And then hopefully this will all tie up in a beautiful little bow called the full final draft of Let Go Or Be Dragged (setting the intention!).

With that, I close out this intro post and invite you to #2 - The first Lessons Of The Week <3