Lessons Of The Week

I tried to take a nap yesterday and before I could relax into the pillow my inner self needed to journal a few key takeaways . The bold are from the journal. The descriptions came through today.

Creativity & Authenticity - Authenticity is the magic. It’s also the container. Creativity is what gets alchemized in the cauldron. The more we allow and follow our own unique flow, spirit, and guidance to direct us, the more magical it is.

Frame The Vision - Create the container for it to land. In any way that is authentic.

Ask For Exactly What You Want - Be direct and clear and most likely it will arrive. Seems like there’s some weird old conditioning that teaches not to ask for or believe in what we want? What’s up with that. We deserve it and are worthy of receiving it.

Center Yourself in The Story - My friend’s friend who is amazing and I met for the first time the other night dancing in West Hollywood said this in passing to me and man did it stick. My interpretation — It’s all a reflection. What do I want to see? What do I choose to see? How can I create what I choose from within? How can I let it all go, and then come securely back to me every time?

Surrender - Breathe in to the deepest layers where there’s more fear to let go of - touch the most uncomfortable places - and then exhale trust and choose to expand into the present.

Radical Acceptance - It’s safe to be fully free and completely me always. It’s safe and healthy to love my whole self even the parts that are cringy and actually - this is the medicine.